Showing posts with label green arrow comic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label green arrow comic. Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2013

John Diggle makes his comic book debut

Anyone watching Arrow who knows the mythology behind it knows that characters like Meryln and Felicity get the spotlight as of now it didn't seem that it would seem that the comic book ruled and the show wouldn't have any impact on the comic book world.

Man were we wrong! I'm just starting on Arrow but it's not much to already know Diggle is down to earth, easy to relate to and an awesome bad ass to boot! He's made his debut in Green Arrow #24 which is already on comic shelves now! So Diggle's making his mark and the way Arrow is going who knows what else can happen. So glad to see him make it into the comics proving once again that great characters can come from anywhere!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Arrow gets the comic book trick arrow up it's sleeve

The CW show Arrow based on Green Arrow is following in Smallville's comic book pages and will have a comic of it's own to tie into the show Arrow and it might pull the same thing and introduce elements and characters easier to adapt in comic form then in the TV show. The series will start out digital October 10th just like Smallville but don't worry the prints will be 99c for digital and November 28th they will have a print release for the regular retail comic price of $3.99 all i can hope for is they take stories and characters from the Green Arrow universe and have them meld perfectly to the show instead of leaving it as two separate entities.

Soon we can see more of Deathstroke and Green Arrow going at it in the comics and more stories that co-writer Geoff Johns has in store for us... he's written good stuff before so I'm not worried! Can't wait!

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