Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Damn Epic Mickey is platforming.. literally

Epic news guys Epic Mickey 2 is coming to Xbox360, Wii, and PS3 with a new paint brush of features like voice acting for every character and its going to pull a musical twist this time around. Co-op has also been confirmed for the game which is great because i love co-op adds a funner experience with your buddy, the game will feature you playing as Mickey and player 2 is Oswald. It's complete drop in drop out co-op Oswald is more than a skin or a multi player character he is with you every step of the way from beginning to end and is a "Helper" character to you or whoever is playing him.

Remember those camera issues from the first Epic Mickey? Well they were being taken care of once they finished the first game so that's great news there for you guys, nothing about the story has focused except your going back to Wasteland and were going to to other forgotten lands.

My Awesome Podcast!! 

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